This Month in Redox - May 2024

By Ribbon and Ron Williams on

May was a very exciting month for Redox! Here’s all the latest news.

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COSMIC Files, COSMIC Editor and COSMIC Terminal are now a permanent part of the Redox desktop! Jeremy has replaced the Orbital file manager, text editor and terminal with their COSMIC counterparts!

We still have a few bugs around exiting the apps, but otherwise, they are working smoothly and they look great!

Toolchain Update

Our Rust fork was updated to the 2024-05-11 version; it fixed many issues with programs and crates requiring a recent Rust version.

Self-Hosting Improvements

The native Rust compiler port was updated to match our Rust cross-compiler version, improving the self-hosting support.

We also updated our LLVM native port to use the LLVM version from our native Rust compiler fork (18.1.4).

Mesa3D Update

Our Mesa3D fork was updated to the 24.0.8 version, the latest stable.


Ribbon packaged more programs as usual, many utilities and Cargo tools.

He also packaged exciting projects like Radicle and the Sequoia-PGP tools.

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